Tons of Stubs, But No Posts
I've been writing a lot of starts to posts these past two weeks - but nothing that feels fit to publish (yet). Here's a teaser of some of the topcis I've been mulling over, I'd be curious to hear which of these (if any) interest you:
Startup Stuff No One Seems To Talk About -- based on a trend I've noticed in my conversations with other entrepreneurs about the "unmentionable" elements of entrepreneurship that no one really brings up
Twilio Quickstart with Ruby on Rails -- port of the Twilio quickstart application from PHP to Ruby on Rails
Understanding the Value of MVC Architecture -- yep, writing it as I come to really understand it, so far the key point is the huge increase in efficacy
Living Intentionally -- stuff about career plans, goals, and some reflection on goals I set for 25 (which I turned in April)
If I Were An Angel Investor (Part 1) -- a list of early-stage startups I think are really interesting, and might be killer investments
No Room for Tall Poppies -- response to story I read via Hacker News about anti-intellectual culture of hiring
Thoughts on Inception -- movie review, thinking I will need to see it again (smart producers!)
U.S. Government Requirement for 1099s to Stifle Small Business -- activism post
Finding Your Own Everyday Entrepreneur -- seeing the scrappy awesomeness of everyday choices
We Live in Public? -- thoughts on Facebook, public/private life online and off, etc. -- thinking this won't go out until the Facebook movie hits theaters